Here I share some financial tools to help you reach your goals. I believe documenting your journey will help a you focus on your goals. From keeping tabs on your portfolio to tracking your expenses it can all help to better understand where you stand at any given time. It can also highlight your strengths and weaknesses and allow you to take corrective action before it snowballs out of control.
First up is Tracking your day to day expenses. You can get your free copy of my Household Budget Spreadsheet via this link All my shared spreadsheets are Google Sheets. They are free and easy to share, all you need is a google account. Follow the link and once the sheets loads click FILE in the top left and there will be an option to save/make a copy. Once you do that I would rename it XXX-Blank and then make a 2nd copy, keep the “blank” version to create a new copy every year.
The second available sheet is to track your portfolio and is geared towards dividend investors, for a more in depth review I have an entire article dedicated to this sheet here.
Below is a list of available downloads. If you find any of these useful, please support me with a cup of coffee.
SPREADSHEETS (Google Sheets)
Household Budget – Google Sheet Link
Dividend Portfolio w/Manual dividend calendar
Dividend Portfolio w/Automated calendar & Dashboard