Portfolio Tracker Spreadsheet
With so many different accounts and sometimes across different brokers. I wanted to bring that all into one place for easier viewing with as little input as needed. You can preview my Google Sheet Dividend Tracker below and get your own copy at Dividend Portfolio with Dashboard once it loads click on file and Make a Copy. This is a work in progress and I plan to streamline a few more of the functions so stay tuned for updates.
If you find this sheet helpful and would like to support the endeavor you can buy me a cup of coffee 🙂Â
Feedback is always welcome.
The Dashboard Sheet contains all your totals and charts for an overview of your accounts.
- Top Left has your account balances along with your top ten holdings
- Top Center interactive ticker info, allows you to select any of your holdings to view current info along with a 12 month chart
- Top right is your industry breakdown pie chart with running total underneath
- Center and Bottom dividend focused charts a running monthly payment chart etc.
The Transaction Sheet this is where most of your data entry takes place. You have three types of transactions – buy, sell or dividend. At this time the dividend option will only work if you DRIP, if you receive it as cash there is no need to enter as it does nothing. The total is auto calculated and all that’s left to do is select the correct account from the last dropdown menu. This information will then transfer to the account you selected. If selling a position you would use a negative notation for share total. The blank copy has 4 accounts, more can be added if needed.
The Account Sheets this would be were all your transaction entries are stored and the numbers are crunched to give you your yields, gains etc. The only data entry needed on the account pages are ‘Div Rate’ which is column L, This would be the quarterly dividend payment for said ticker, this will be used in conjunction with column Q to calculate Forward Dividend. * Note this is based on quarterly payments, if your holding pays out monthly the formula in Q needs to be adjusted to multiply by 12 instead of 4.
The industry in column S will also need to be inputted, I have listed them in a convenient dropdown.
Div 2023 Sheet this is a dividend payout calendar of sorts and will require the user to input data. The left column contains the tickers imported from your account sheets and the colored cells would need to be adjusted to your specific holdings payout schedule.  Check our update below, new Calendars added.
I hope you find this tool helpful in tracking your portfolio. Get your free copy Dividend Portfolio with DashboardÂ
Version 2.0 is now Live and available
Building onto our great spreadsheet we have made some improvements and additions. Account sheets no longer need any manual changes and are sorted in alphabetical order no matter when ticker is added to the transaction sheet. Two calendars are now automated in version 2.0, a daily and monthly calendar. With all the work we have put into this project we are asking for a little support in exchange for a copy and any future updates. Support the Project
Daily Dividend Calendar displays your dividend payout throughout the year on any given day with an easy snapshot
Monthly Dividend Calendar displays your dividend payouts by month and company.
For a video walkthrough of the spreadsheet Watch here