August is in the rear view mirror, it continued the upward trajectory from July’s momentum but reversed coarse at the midpoint of the month. The Dow closed the month at 31,510.43 and the S&P finished at 3,955 both dropped -3.8%. Everything was going along smoothly until the Fed meeting and subsequent statement from Chairman Powell…
Tag: tsco
August 29th stock purchases
After taking some time off for a little rest and relaxation I’m back with my regular updates. You can go on vacation but the market does not stop, I managed to find a few minutes to make my weekly purchases. There is no time like the present to add money into the market. After…
August 8th stock purchases
There is no time like the present to add money into the market. After starting my after tax portfolio with a lump sum, I have been making additional purchases on a weekly basis. Approximately $250 of fresh capital is deployed each week into my current positions, I keep a list of which positions currently offer…