Here are this weeks option trades. It’s been a steady way to squeeze a little more money out of the portfolio and allows me to reinvest the premiums into my long term holds.
I had one open position held over from last week and that was
- $31.5 PĀ TQQQ 8/12/22 .55 EXPIRED
I held onto that contract until expiration as TQQQ closed the week at $37.98 which allowed me to collect the full $55 premium.
New contracts for the week –
- $48.5 P PFE 8/12/22 .34 EXPIRED
- $17.50 P SOXL 8/12/22 .57 CLOSED
- $17 P SOXL 8/12/22 .43 EXPIRED
- $35 P TQQQ 8/19/22 .76 OPEN
Only PUTS for this week and all expiring OTM, the $17.5 SOXL I closed early to capture a total of $47 in profit. In total I have collected $552 in August premiums, well on ym way to matching an possibly surpassing my July totals. We have one open contract set to expire this coming Friday.