Having returned from vacation rejuvenated and ready to get back into my routine here is this weeks additions.
There is no time like the present to add money into the market. After starting my after tax portfolio with a lump sum, I have been making additional purchases on a weekly basis. Approximately $250 of fresh capital is deployed each week into my current positions, I keep a list of which positions currently offer an attractive price and as long as I’m not overweight (up to 5%) on that positions I will add to it. Let’s move on to the reason you clicked on this article.
This weeks additions are:
1 share of Texas Instruments (TXN) @ $163.6
1 share of AO Smith (AOS) @ $56.44
1 share of Franklin Resources (BEN) @ $26.04
1 share of Google (GOOG) @ $108.71 Slowly building this position for my growth portion, currently at 26 shares and lots of room to add more before it hits my 5% allocation.
Texas Instruments is an American based technology company that designs and manufactures semiconductors and various integrated circuits. It currently has a 2.82% yield with a robust 5 year CAGR of 18.13% and 10 year CAGR of 21.07%
AO Smith is a US manufacturer of residential and commercial water heaters and boilers. Currently it offers a 1.75% yield with double digit 5 and 10 year Dividend CAGR of 15.71% and 20.75%
Franklin Resources also know as Franklin Templeton is a global investment firm. This Aristocrat has raised it’s dividend for 41 consecutive years. Current yield of 4.19% and a 5 & 10 year CAGR of 8.64% and 12.74% along with a low 27% payout ratio. Share price has been stagnant over the last 5 years so don’t expect much growth but a solid dividend payer.
This week I invested $246.08 into my dividend portfolio and increased my forward dividend income by $6.88 or a 2.79% return. You can view my portfolio holdings here.
Keep investing!
Do you own either of these? Planning to add to your portfolio? share your purchases in the comments.